
Selected media appearances. Only stories still available online are included. Stories that only feature a brief quotation have not been included.


"Rethinking the "fast lane" for drivers and pedestrians," The 180, CBC Radio

"Unfunded Services," Metro Morning, CBC Radio (segments starts at 3:05)


Flow podcast, "The Talk on the Street" by Sheila Das (January 2022)

The Opposite of Lonely podcast, "Walking Conversations" by Nadia Halim (April 2019)

The Opposite of Lonely podcast, "Gezelligheid" by Nadia Halim (March 2018)

"Notebook on Cities and Culture" podcast by Colin Marshall (October 2014)


CBC Television, "Our Toronto" (first segment), May 13 2017 (about Toronto Public Etiquette Guide)


Ground Magazine 38 – summer 2017 – The Commons, "Round Table: What is the future of the commons in the context of increasing urbanization and privatization?"

"TTC's top 25 secrets revealed in new book from Toronto transit experts," Toronto Star, April 29, 2018

"What are Toronto's rules of etiquette? The answers are often unclear: Keenan," Toronto Star, columnist Ed Keenan, May 8, 2017

"Day by day, Spacing captures significant moments in Toronto urban history," Beach Metro Community News, Nov. 28, 2017

Antonia Zerbisias, "Walking activist Dylan Reid makes great strides for pedestrian advocacy in Toronto," Toronto Star, May 13, 2013.

"Toronto pedestrian group advocates for walking-friendly city," Toronto Star, Feb. 10, 2013.


"A guide to the reserved, hyper-efficient, sometimes passive-aggressive world of Toronto etiquette," CBC News, March 2017

"If Bay-Bloor pedestrian scramble dies, will a new one be born?" CBC News Toronto, February 24, 2015